Courses at KMC
Most of the courses held by KMC are based on the pedagogic princible described in the Emergo Train System® and the tool used is Emergo Train System® (ETS).
Teaching of knowledge in how to use the ETS is performed in the Senior Instructor course - Simulation exercising in Disaster Medicine. There are over 2 400 certified Senior instructors and the Senior instructor course are held by 14 ETS Educator faculties in Sweden, Finland, Greece, Holland, United Kingdom, Italy, United Arab Emirates, Australia, New Zealand, Korea and Finland (numbers from January 2022).
Introduction to ETS and evaluation tools in disaster medicine can be held as a one- or two-day course at any location. This course is part of the EMDM program, educational module. It can also be part of a pre-course program.
EMDM program ( External link.
KMC also have possibility to run simulation exercises that can be set up at any location and monitored and evaluated from the centre in Linköping by using IP telephone technique. Evaluation will be performed using measurable performance indicators and feedback will be both as a oral presentation and/or as a report.
KMC can also participate as evaluators of full-scale exercises or participate in the development and implementation of contingency planning.
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