
Region Östergötland

För vårdgivare

Emergo Train System (in English)

Emergo Train System® (ETS) is a pedagogical simulation tool for exercise/education in Disaster Medicine. Emergo Train System® is owned by the Region Östergötland and administered by the Centre for Teaching and Research in Disaster Medicine & Traumatology (KMC).

About ETS

Emergo Train System® (ETS) is a pedagogical simulation tool for exercise/education in Disaster Medicine. Emergo Train System® is owned by the Region Östergötland and administered by the Centre for Teaching and Research in Disaster Medicine & Traumatology (KMC).

Emergo Train System® derives from the need of a new tool, for education within disaster medicine. It proved to be a useful tool and is today used by certified ETS Senior instructors in over 40 countries. There are over 2 400 ETS Senior instructors. There are 14 ETS faculties in Sweden, The Netherlands, United Kingdom, Italy, Finland, Greece, United Arab Emirates, Japan, Korea, Australia and New Zealand who conduct national ETS Senior instructor courses. International Senior instructor courses (course language English) is held by KMC.

New ETS training material is being developed continuously. Some examples of last completed and ongoing development projects:

  • new penetrating trauma victim bank
  • new bomb/blast trauma victim bank
  • new pediatric trauma victim bank External link.

Contact information

Johan Hornwall

Telephone: +46-10-103 7490
Mobile: +46-768-197490